Student Academic Progress

First grade daily reading lesson.

Teachers have the biggest impact on a student’s educational growth and it is their duty to ensure each student has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. The purpose of the standard is the ability of the teacher to effectively set measurable achievement goals and be able to document and track student academic growth.

Baseline Data

In order to guide my instructional planning and delivery, it is best to have a starting point for each student to see what level a students knowledge is regarding a subject.  I use data gathered from pre-test assessment before each unit to see which areas of the content needs to be focused on and plan my instruction accordingly. Incorporating this strategy will provide me with the knowledge of which learning tools and strategies to use throughout the unit and translate into higher student achievement on the final assessment.

Evidence of Student Progress

Proving that students are learning is a goal that accomplished teacher strives for to reflect on their instruction strategies. By effectively documenting baseline data, adjusting lesson plans and delivery to meet student learning needs, and using various assessment strategies, I’m able to provide evidence that my instruction has been effective.

Involvement In Goal Setting

Having students involved in setting goals and the ability to track their own progress is beneficial in that it can increase motivation and promote student investment in attaining the goals mandated by the SOLs.  I use various assessment strategies created by my students in order to track and adjust my instruction accordingly based on the informal data contained within them.






First grade student writing journal entries.