
Teaching is one of the professions that is held in the highest regard.  Maintaining these high standards is a focus of mine that I do not take lightly.  The purpose of the standard is for teachers to maintain high ethical standards by collaborating with others in the field of education, as well as families of students, to enhance professional growth and student learning.

Communicating instructions for word sort graphic organizer to students.


I am committed to learn as much as I can and improve my craft as a teaching professional.  One of the best ways of improving is to seek input from other professionals in the field. Asking for input from colleagues and administration can provide valuable insight into how to improve instruction, classroom management, and other areas.

Teacher work area.

Communication with parents/caregivers

Keeping parents/caregivers informed with what is happening with their children is a task that is important to me.  Teamwork is essential between the teacher, student, and parents/caregivers.  Privacy of student information is a high priority of mine and parents/caregivers need to know that I am committed to ensuring their child’s safety and confidentiality of all sensitive information. Not only do they need communication of events going on at the school, parents/caregivers also need positive notes and words of encouragement sent home often regarding their child’s progress.  Building a rapport with students is essential, but also building one with their parents/caregivers can also increase a student’s success .