Professional Knowledge

First grade lesson on different characteristics of currency.

The professional knowledge standard is imperative for me as a teaching professional to incorporate into my instructional goals and provide a learning environment that is positive and conducive for all my student’s growth. The purpose of the professional knowledge standard is that teachers demonstrate an understanding of the levels of development among their students and are able to provide instruction of subject content that is relatable to their learning strengths.

Preparing For Teaching

Professional knowledge is the ability to apply one’s knowledge to the appropriate curriculum standards.  As my Virginia and Literacy assessment (VCLA), Praxis II, and Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE) scores show, I am dedicated in understanding and applying the Virginia Standards Of Learning (SOLs) when teaching content in the classroom.

Linking Content To Real World Experiences

Teachers use their knowledge of content to show students how it relates to their world. Translating my knowledge of a subject being taught and how it links to other subject areas is one aspect I strive to accomplish with each lesson.

Showing third grade class the origins and routes of hurricanes across Atlantic ocean during reading comprehension exercise.

College Courses for Elementary Education

In preparing for a career in elementary education, much of the coursework revolved around understanding the stages of student development.  I’ve studied and learned about many pioneering theories such as Jean Piaget’s work on cognitive development and Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of higher order thinking.  Having this knowledge will be beneficial in regards to the age, the developmental, and the emotional levels of the students I will be working with in my classroom.