Instructional Delivery

Daily first grade morning read aloud.

The purpose of the standard is a teacher’s ability to meet individual learning needs and increase student engagement by using various strategies and methods for instruction of content.  The primary goal of the standard is for teachers to be able to vary instruction in order to accommodate and provide an equitable education for each student based on their learning strengths.

Work Stations and Centers

Student engagement is key in preventing monotony and boredom from setting in among the classroom when learning content.  Creating individual and small group work stations and centers, and having a rotating schedule among them, is one of the best ways to promote student engagement. With the contents of the work stations being changed frequently, my students experience a wide array of learning opportunities.  By doing this, I am able to keep student engagement and learning at its highest level.

First grade daily reading and writing work stations containing sight word fill in the blanks, sorts, and sentence writing exercises.

Promoting Multiple Intelligences & Different Learning Styles

No two students are the same, so no two students learn the same.  There are numerous ways to reach a student which needs to be accounted for when planning instruction. Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences creates many paths that I incorporate into each lesson while also making sure the SOLs are being met.  Just as there are many different learning styles among the student population, there needs to be just as many instructional styles in order for me to maximize all of my student’s learning potential.

Variety of Instructional Delivery

Using various instructional delivery methods enhances student learning.  My instructional delivery incorporates the use of lecture, technology, hands-on, song, and many other forms.  Having students use as many of the five senses as possible enhances the retention of content.

Showing first grade students roots for lesson regarding plant structure.