Classroom Management

First grade student independent practice during reading groups.

Classroom management is essential to provide an environment where students can reach their fullest potential. My classroom will have rules and procedures set up that are clear, fair, and consistent. These will be used to maintain an orderly and productive learning environment. Students learn best when they understand what is expected of them.

Classroom Management Plan


Dealing With Behavior

There are multiple personalities that are contained within one classroom with each one requiring special attention.  I will frequently do research and collaborate with other teachers, behavioral specialists, and administration to learn about different strategies to use in order to deal with challenges that may arise.  Guidance counselors have a wealth of knowledge on how to identify and implement strategies to promote positive behavior among students.

Individualized student daily behavior chart.

Reward System

My class will have an age appropriate consequence and reward system put in place for dealing with student behavior.  Positive reinforcement will be used for students showing exceptional behavior.  Multiple behavior modification techniques will be used in order to deal with positive and negative behaviors.

“Care Bear” tokens used for positive and negative reinforcement.